June 8th, 2009 by adminThe move from modadmin.com is finally done! #
I was planning to create a new site for a work in progress called “media machina” and I used this opportunity to move all my blogs under one domain, boutotcom.com, and one platform WordPress MU, and here we are at last. #
It’s time to thank Robin Millette from Waglo Labs who has originally created this blog on Drupal and has taken care of it for years, and then did the hard work to move the content to WordPress; unfortunately, the comments have not followed, but I keep the original archives and we plan to find a way to bring them back; #
also Patrick Tanguay from taste of blue who installed the new WordPress MU at iWeb, wisely helped me to chose the theme Shantia by Nofie Iman and created the original design before leaving for Berlin; #
and finally Francis Laplante from iXmédia who did the integration of the boutot.com domain, showed me the ropes and did the final set-up. #
Thank you all for your patience that used up all my attempts at procrastination. #
June 9th, 2009 at 8:07 am
Welcome, Bruno!
June 9th, 2009 at 8:07 am
And congrats on completing the move!
June 10th, 2009 at 11:19 pm
Thanks Seb!
Glad to have you on the front line.