Archive for March, 2010

Anonymity And Identity In News Media: What? Why? Who?

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

A very timely conversation about anonymity and identity has been going on since Saturday. It started with a discussion on Twitter between Mathew Ingram and Howard Owens. Mathew has written a great post about it, then Steve Buttry added important points on his own blog. I say “timely” because suddenly a lot of people are […]

How Steve Buttry Is Building A New Newsmedia, Part I

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Steve Buttry has begun to recruit his staff. He is the new Director of Community Engagement at Allbritton Communications, preparing the launch of a new Web site in the DC area, one of the most expected new project of newsmedia on the Web. Steve Buttry has just be named last month Editor of the year […]