Hi. My name is Bruno Boutot and modadmin is my blog in English about media and communities. #
I believe that communities and marketplaces are the keys to the success of news media on the Web. #
I also believe that people, not things, are the most important part of the Web*, so mods and admins of communities and marketplaces are the key to the success of media on the Web, hence the name of this blog. #
How I came to learn this is the topic of my work in progress called media machina. #
*Note: to be consistent with this statement, I have edited and rewritten this page to include people I have had the privilege to work with; if you see your name here, don’t hesitate to contact me to correct any error, or if you have a better profile to link to; I apologize to people who don’t see their name here: please contact me for any omission. :-)
Short-short bio
- I am a consultant for building online media, communities and marketplaces;
- I give conferences about online media, communities and marketplaces;
- I have been a journalist for 30 years (in French, in Montreal);
- I have been editor in chief of a business magazine about media, advertising and marketing for 10 years;
- I have been on the Web since 1994 and I have explored hundreds of online communities since 1998 (I will link to stories here as I write them), participating, meeting fantastic people, asking questions, studying and analyzing community dynamics;
- I have been a member of Worth1000 since 2002, where I was welcomed by Avi Muchnick; I became a moderator, then an admin while the community grew from 3000 members to more than 300 000;
- I have been a longtime reader of MetaFilter, created by Matthew Haughey, one of the most original and successful online communities; I became a member in 2005; I read daily MetaTalk, one of the rare open forums about the governance of a living, energetic community; my favorites in Metafilter can be read as a blog about online media and community governance.
Short bio
I have recently worked as consultant on community projects with, among others: #
- Mario Asselin for La Coalition priorité cancer au Québec for Opossum.
- Mario Asselin on La Maison des communautés for Opossum.
- Martin Lessard for Challenge Your World
- Roger Gariépy, on Bos.20 for Bos, with Thomas Gobeil and Alexandrine Perras
- Rachel Guénette for VOXtv, with Yannick B. Gélinas; and Martin Aubut on Espace canoë
- Xavier Boilard for Omnimed
- Jacques Renaud for an international entertainment company, with Paul Chartier
- Sylvain Carle for a Tourism organization; and for an international digital cinema conference
- François Reeves for a movie; and for a consortium of universities
I have worked as consultant on media projects with, among others: #
- Roger Gariépy for L’Express for Bos.
- Sylvain Carle as co-founder of BlogExperts
- Serge Cabana then Director of Communications at Université de Sherbrooke
- Pierred Duhamel then President of Magazines du Québec
- Mark Jamison, CEO of Magazines Canada
- Michèle Cyr, then Publisher of Elle-Québec
I have worked as a journalist, among others: #
- as reporter and columnist, Communications-Marketing, with Pierre Duhamel, then Publisher of Revue Commerce (monthly business magazine)
- as Advertising critic, with Claude Masson, then Deputy Publisher of La Presse (daily newspaper)
- as co-founder and editor in chief, with Bruno Gautier, Co-founder and Publisher of Infopresse, (monthly business magazine on media, advertising and marketing)
- as reporter, Media and Architecture, with Jean Paré, Founder, then Publisher and Editor in Chief, of L’actualité (monthly news magazine)
- as Television critic with Lise Bissonnette, then Editor in Chief of Le Devoir (daily newspaper), then with her successor, Paul-André Comeau.
I am regularly a member of juries for journalism and design awards. #
Note: most of my work as a journalist has been published on paper before 1999 and is not available online (or behind pay walls); I plan to scan what is sleeping in my blue metal trunk. ;-) #
As a freelance journalist, I have worked with a lot of interesting people for a number of publications; I will mention them in an extended CV. I have also worked with book publishers as translator (from English to French) and editor. #
I thank all these wonderful guys who helped me set up this site: #
Robin Millette from Waglo Labs originally created this blog on Drupal, took care of it for years, and then did the hard work to move the content to WordPress; #
Patrick Tanguay from taste of blue installed WordPress MU at iWeb, and created the original design with the theme Shantia by Nofie Iman; #
Francis Laplante from iXmédia did the integration of the boutot.com domain, showed me the ropes, did the final set-up and is still helping me get through coding crisis; #
Mathieu Dufour shot my portrait. #
I consider myself lucky for having the privilege to work with so talented and knowledgeable people; all errors and mistakes must be blamed on my own subsequent tinkering. :-) #