Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011Transcript of the speech. bruno boutotMore Posts – Website Follow Me:
Transcript of the speech. bruno boutotMore Posts – Website Follow Me:
@GreatDismal William Gibson Twitter for me is a casual conversational form, largely offhand by nature. Unrehearsed speech as opposed to writing. @GreatDismal William Gibson “Writing”, for me, is a fundamentally different activity. I strongly suspect it’s different neurologically, physiologically. @GreatDismal William Gibson Writing formally is like improv all by yourself, in an empty room. bruno […]
I can remember seeing the emergence of broadcast television, but I can’t tell what it did to us because I became that which watched broadcast television. William Gibson the Paris Review 197 [1981] And somehow I knew that the notional space behind all the computer screens would be one single universe. idem In the cities, […]
Paco Blancas, about people he met while participating into Marian Abramovitch’ performance at the MoMA: I’ve met a lot of people and have made a lot of new friends, many of them artists, but really all sorts of people. I keep in touch with them and we e-mail constantly to talk about our experiences. It’s […]